1st off the bat . . . Fairfax County has decided in its infinite wisdom to lower their grading scale. This in an effort to make their kids more competitive in the college admissions arena. Does that sound counter-productive? "Hey, let's make our kids more competitive by lowering the standards!" BRILLIANT!
I know, I know. That's not why they did it. They want their kids to have an equal shot at admissions. If their kid has to get a 94 to qualify for and A (4.0) and other kids in the nation or state only need to get a 90, then the playing field isn't level. Yeah, yeah, yeah! I know.
The problem is . . . the problem is multifaceted. I don't understand why the government (read the people) don't take a common sense approach to this. While they are doing what they think is in the best interest of their own child, they are not looking out for the interests of all children. Maybe it's too much to expect of others . . . ? You'll learn that my expectations while high, are not unreasonable or unattainable. Here, I'll show you how it's done:
- First . . . an "A" should not be easily attained. It is not supposed to be attained easily. The object is to give the kids something to shoot for . . . a goal . . . an aspiration. To get an "A" you should have achieved something exceptional! An "A" is not about being "a"bove "a"verage. Part of the problem with the educational system right now is that we are catering to the psychoses of the kids instead of educating children to strive for better. We lower the standards so their feelings don't get hurt. By lowering the standards, you are undermining the foundation of ALL of our futures. I certainly do not want a pilot flying my plane who got an "average" grade in math and physics! I want the pilot who can land the plane in the Hudson River and everyone survives! That guy deserves an "A"!!!! The "A" that is 94 and above!!
B=Above Average
D=Below Average
- Second . . . The number average assigned to these grades should be consistent at a state level if not a federal level . . .PERIOD! I'd rather the federal government not get any more involved than they already are, so for the sake of smaller government, we'll keep it at the state level. All parents in the state need to contact their school board, the local legislators, the governor, etc . . . and demand a consistent grading scale for the entire state. At a maximum, then, the colleges and universities would only have to keep track of 50 grading scales. In this day and age of computers, don't give me that crap that it's too much administrative work. That's bullshit! These admissions offices keep track of much less critical minutia! Memorizing or keeping tabs on the 50 states' grading scales is nothing.
If you don't agree that colleges and universities have the abilities to keep track of 50 different grading scales, then perhaps the grading scale should be federally mandated. After all, we wouldn't want to put the colleges and universities we're paying 10s of thousands of dollars to do anything that would overburden them. (Sarcasm)
- Third . . . IF you don't agree that this should be federally mandated, and/or IF you don't agree that the entire state should have the same grading scale, then you suck! I know, I know . . . how mature. Moving on . . . IF you don't agree with the ideas above, then the only other solution to this issue is to have all schools submit the number average the student receives. I'm not talking about a 1.0 or 4.0. I'm talking about 94%, 85%, 72%, etc . . . This allows each university to determine fairly what they will and will not accept. It levels the playing field for EVERY student.
Isn't that ultimately what we want for our children. While we want them to have the same opportunities as all other children, we also need to groom our children to accept responsibility for the work they did or did not put in. If your child received consistent 90s, then he/she doesn't deserve to go to Harvard. They don't deserve to get the full-paid scholarship. The child who puts in the effort, and makes the sacrifices, and comprehends the gravity of the situation deserves it. The children who get the 94s and ABOVE do!
There are thousands of wonderful colleges and universities in this nation. We are truly blessed with an abundance of facilities of higher learning. Whether your child is a 90 student or an 84 student or a 97 student, the college experience will be an unparalleled experience no matter the campus, and the BA or BS they earn will be just as good as one earned at an Ivy League school.
People, this is a call to action. Write your local politicians and school board. Hell, write your federal politicians and demand a common sense approach to this matter. There does need to be a standard by which we assess all students. There does need to be a level playing field so that all students have an equal chance at the opportunities.
With that, the students who achieve exemplary results, deserve the exemplary opportunities.
And now I am totally going to have to research what it is here...
But I agree!!
Thank you. See, I'm not TOTALLY unreasonable!!
Rematch . . . Hearts . . . next time I see you!! :-)
AMEN, sister. Funny you posted this. Just last night, after celebrating a shit-kickin' report card from my 1st grader, we went over the grading scale. Here's our theory:
B=Brilliant, but you can do better
Now, me AND my child came up with those. I have high-expectations of my kids, but they're not unreasonable. People that have lower expectations of their kids turn out people that are a bain to society.
I'd like to comment on the "going to Harvard" part of your argument.
I really think the "Ivy League" is OVERRATED!
Every one of our current and most recent past leaders has gone to an Ivy League school. Are we in a better place because of their superior leadership, intelligence, or ability? NO!!! Did any one of these "beacons of light" see what was coming? Yet they all insist they are the only ones with the know-how to bail us out of this mess.
Case in point: Timothy Geitner (sp?) the new Treasury Secretary. He couldn't pay his taxes even when the IMF gave him the money to do so. He said it was an "honest mistake". Because he's from Harvard and apparently the only person in the world that can "save us from ourselves.," we have to bow down and be grateful he's willing to help us? I don't think so. He should be in jail, not in the Cabinet.
Sorry, I got carried away. By the way, I'm really against lowering any standards. Raise the rest to our level.
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